Digital Visual Thinking Stems

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  • Regular price $40.00


For campus use only. The Digital Visual Thinking Stems are licensed per campus.

Visual thinking stems help students get started when they struggle to find just the right words to explain, describe, or clarify what they are thinking.

Visual thinking stems are used to:

  • Give students a framework to explain their thinking
  • Expose students to vocabulary often found in the process standards
  • Provide language support for young learners, English learners, and students with disabilities
  • Increase oral language proficiency

The visual thinking stem cards provide sentence starters supplemented with an image and are specifically designed for emergent or struggling readers. These stems support students in rigorously processing content and communicating understanding. The visual supports promote independence and help students retrieve the stems from memory.

13 cards: Analyze & Interpret; Apply; Cause & Effect; Compare, Classify, & Categorize; Create/Develop; Draw Conclusions; Evaluate; Generalize; Infer; Make Connections; Predict/Estimate; Sequence/Order; and Summarize.

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